How to prevent leaks in your van while using a univalve on your water-fed pole for window cleaning

2023-06-26 09:13:41 By : admin
Water Fed Pole Window Cleaning - How to Prevent Leaks in Your Van System

If you are a water fed pole window cleaner, you have probably experienced the frustration of leaks in your van system when using a univalve. This can lead to wasted water, flooding in the front of your van, and even damage to your equipment. However, with a few simple tips, you can prevent leaks and keep your window cleaning business running smoothly.
When I use the univalve my system in van leaks - <a href='/water-fed-pole/'>Water Fed Pole</a> Window Cleaning - Window Cleaning Forums | UK's #1 Window Cleaners Forum

Firstly, it is important to understand why leaks occur when using a univalve. A univalve is a valve that controls the flow of water in your system, and is usually attached to your water-fed pole. When you close the univalve, it stops the water flow, which is great for conserving water and preventing wastage. However, when you open the univalve again, there is often a surge of water pressure, which can cause the system to leak.

To prevent leaks when using a univalve, there are several things you can do. Firstly, make sure that all of your connections are tight and secure. Loose connections can often be the cause of leaks, so check all of your hoses, fittings and attachments for any signs of wear or damage, and replace them if necessary.

Another tip is to use a flow control valve in addition to your univalve. A flow control valve will help to regulate the water pressure in your system, and prevent surges that can lead to leaks. By adjusting the flow control valve, you can find the optimal pressure for your system, and ensure that water is flowing smoothly through your hoses and poles.

Another option is to install a pressure regulator in your system. A pressure regulator is a device that controls the water pressure in your system, and prevents it from reaching high levels that can cause leaks and other problems. This can be especially useful if you are using a high-pressure water-fed pole system, or if you often work with high-pressure water sources.

Finally, it is important to regularly maintain your van system and equipment to prevent leaks and other issues. This includes regular cleaning and maintenance of your poles and brushes, as well as checking your hoses, fittings and attachments for any signs of wear or damage. By taking good care of your system, you can ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently, and avoid the headaches of leaks and other problems.

In conclusion, there are several things you can do to prevent leaks when using a univalve in your water fed pole van system. By ensuring that your connections and fittings are tight, using a flow control valve or pressure regulator, and regularly maintaining your equipment and hoses, you can keep your system running smoothly and efficiently, and avoid the frustration and cost of leaks and other problems. Happy cleaning!

Keywords: water fed pole van system, univalve, prevent leaks, flow control valve, pressure regulator, equipment maintenance.